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July’s Jaundiced Sausage

Half the year gone, and a quarter million words written? Some of them useless, yeah. But still, a quarter million words! Now to see if I can keep it up in the constant hail of immoral Supreme Court decisions. Speaking of disasters, you might want to know about my latest FreeBSD Journal column. The theme […]

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June’s Jaunty Sausage

June 2022. Halfway through the year, sort of. Shouldn’t I have gotten more done? Maybe not thirty books yet, but a couple dozen at least? Alas, no. Why? Because teeth suck, but not having teeth also involves sucking. I’ll spare the details, especially as they involve phrases like “fracture” and “implanting someone else’s bone in […]

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May’s Mellifluous Sausage

I can occasionally open the office window without freezing. Life is once again worth living. There are other reasons, yes. But after six months locked in my office, swapping out the air is a delight. My house is heated by a boiler, which is energy-efficient and cozy and does not move the air. At all. […]

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April’s Abrogated Sausage

April isn’t turning out as difficult as last month. In March, four books with my name on them came out in quick succession–“DNSSEC Mastery 2/e,” “Domesticate Your Badgers,” “Letters to ed(1),” and the “Fiction River: Broken Dreams” anthology. I did my best to promote everything, and burned out my promo brain. Seeing as I’m planning […]

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For all Patronizers: “Letters to ed(1)”

Hi folks! I answer the letters column for the FreeBSD Journal. I wanted to call it “Letters to ed(1),” but the actual editors had other ideas. (Setting aside the totally irrelevant fact that I am not FJ’s editor!) I’ve collected the first three years as a cheap (not inexpensive, cheap) ebook, to be released on […]

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March’s Macerated Sausage

Hi folks! Pardon my typos, it’s been a wild few days. This last month brings you not one, not two, but three books with my name on them. The new Fiction River: Broken Dreams anthology has a long Prohibition Orcs story in it. DNSSEC Mastery is everywhere in hardcover, paperback, and ebook. Domesticate Your Badgers […]

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February’s Fried Sausage

My brain, that is. Fried sausage. With a bit of sauerkraut on the side, and maybe a pirogi or two. DNSSEC Mastery came back from copyedit and is starting to leak out into the world. My cunning plans for this book kind of imploded, and I wound up working through the weekend trying to batter […]

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January’s Deep-Frozen Sausage

Right now it’s colder than it’s been in years, and I’m really missing that global warming. My home is heated with a boiler, and by the time that hot water makes its way into my authorial garret it isn’t so hot anymore. Insulated blinds and curtains only go so far, so I’m writing in a […]

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I Screwed Up

I scheduled a Patronizer hangout, and did not show up. This is entirely my fault, and I humbly apologize. I’ve spent the last few days with workmen in the house, smashing concrete and sawing boards. My nerves are shot and my brain is jangled. This might explain but does not pardon my absence. I remembered […]

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December Sausage, and all-Patronizer Video Hangout

Hello my dear Patronizers! My big news is the tendinitis in my left arm and up through my shoulders. Apparently you can’t work for 20 years as a system administrator while writing dozens of books on the side without straining your body. Yes, I have an ergonomic workstation, split keyboard, and all the proper tools […]

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