Last month, I made plans. Immediately thereafter, life gave me a surprise. Since my last doc visit in June, seems my blood pressure has doubled. It’s been 80/110 my whole life. Suddenly it went to 130/190. What changed? I had my first bout of covid, that’s what. Fortunately high blood pressure is a well understood […]
Correction: Video Hangout, 20 January 2024, 10am–TEN AM–EST
The zoom invite said 1AM, not 10AM. 10AM is correct. Y’all can meet at 1am if you like, but I won’t be there.
Video Hangout, 20 January 2024, 10am EST
There will be rats. There usually are rats, at least. I really should call this tier “Meet the Rats.” When I host the video hangout I have a choice of venues. I could stagger up the stairs to my attic office. If it’s nice weather, I might go out onto the back porch. The Rats […]
January’s Jalouse Sausage
(This post went to Patronizers at the beginning of January, and to the public at the beginning of February.) The beginning of the year. Time to not only contemplate last year’s failures, but to select next year’s failures. Not that I’m cynical. Truly, what’s the point of setting goals you know you will accomplish? The […]
Prohibition Orcs Kickstarter bonus story for Patronizers
Remember when I did the Prohibition Orcs Kickstarter campaign? My hope was to raise enough to pay for Eddie Sharam’s painted covers. Instead, it broke $12,000. I was stunned. I was also unwise. When I created the campaign, I said that at $10,000 I would write a Prohibition Orcs baseball tale and send it to […]
December’s Defiant Sausage, all-Patronizer hangout, free story
The longer I run this thing, the more I regret calling a buck a month “See the Sausage Being Made.” Because it inevitably gets shortened to “sausage,” and that leads nowhere good. Similarly, I shouldn’t have named that one level “Video Chat.” Obviously, it should have been named “Meet the Rats.” And my web store […]
New Christmas story for Patronizers: “The Rats’ Man’s Lackey and the Forbidden Tinsel”
I have a huge backlog of short stories to put out. At the beginning of 2023, I had the idea of doing one a month. Then I caught covid and the idea evaporated. Now that I’ve stopped putting short stories out on third party stores, though, the idea’s much more feasible–plus, I can avoid the […]
Patronizer Video Hangout, 11 November 10am EST
And now we arrive at my least favorite time of the year: the switch between Daylight Savings Time to standard. It’s not merely that the switch is annoying and unhealthy. It’s that all of y’all are in different time zones with different rules. My efforts to schedule meetings in UTC failed because a) I cannot […]
November’s Noughtwithstanding Sausage
These posts need titles, so I go for alliteration. Alliteration gives me an excuse to grab my primordial Oxford English Dictionary. I’ve mentioned this before, but I don’t think folks quite appreciate what a font of wordage it is. It’s ninety years old and smells like knowledge. Anyway, it’s been quite a month. The Apocalypse […]
Patronizer Video Hangout, 14 October 2023 7pm EDT
I remembered to check the daylight savings time switchover. 5 November. We’re still in EDT, so 7PM EDT. That pathetic success tempts me to once again attempt to post the time in UTC, which I believe would be 11pm, but I know perfectly well that I’ll screw it up. This one is for the West […]