My October is filling surprisingly quickly, so this month’s chat is happening more quickly than I’d like. 9 October 2021. 10 AM EDT. Sorry for the short notice. I’m contemplating opening the December hangout to all Patronizers. I’m not sure if this would be to let folks know what they’re missing, or a bizarre threat […]
September’s Steamed Sausage
The heat has broken. Life is again worth living. Wait–this was the coolest summer of the rest of my life? Aw, crap. Stupid global warming. Ah, well, at least it’s coming quickly enough to smack the deniers. August went fairly well. Plowed through the badger book first draft in a couple weeks, and am back […]
September 2021 Video Hangout
I’m updating my monthly Patronizer stuff in the first week of the month, for a second month in a row? Wow. I might be getting the hang of this crowdfunding stuff. Probably not, but dreams are nice. Been wondering if I should suggest topics for these talks. We do seem to get by, though. Eh, […]
August’s Abasking Sausage
Hi folks! Last month I did something bizarre. I took a week off work. I’ve taken time off before, but not quite like this. When I go to BSDCan, I’ll take a couple days here and there. If She Who Must Be Obeyed takes a trip for work, I’ll go with her. I work a […]
August 2021 Video Chat
Hey, look at this! It’s the first business day of the year, and I’m doing my Patronizer stuff! Am I organized or what? The correct answer is “what,” of course. I need to add some text here to escape the preview, so… Video chat attendance is down still, but those who show up enjoy it. […]
July’s Video Hangout
This month’s video hangout will be 17 July, 8PM EDT. Attendance is dropping, thanks to the vaccine and people being able to go out and do things. Barring a sudden surge in vaccine-resistant infection, I expect to stop the hangouts at the end of 2020. I’ll replace them with something else for folks who Patronize […]
July’s Jabbering Sausage
Dear folks in the northern hemisphere: welcome to the coolest summer of the rest of your life. Detroit isn’t under a heat bubble the way Oregon is, but our summer is decidedly bipolar. We’re alternating between stretches of gorgeous days in the high 70s, and ghastly 90-degree days. Between that and folks who are vaccinated […]
for Digital Reader Patronizers and above: git sync murder ebook
I’ve finished the ebook for $ git sync murder, and y’all are among the first to get it. Preview text will take up space, so I’m going to babble a tiny bit here. Not much. Just more than I’d like to. I’ll throw in some cover art, that should help. And here’s the author’s note […]
June Video Hangout
The video hangouts keep creeping closer to the end of the month. I need to shift them to earlier in the month, so that I have some flexibility. July’s will be closer to the beginning of the month, in the evening. Video hangout attendance has decreased as the year goes on and we slowly beat […]
June’s Juxtaposed Sausage
Yesterday, it was about 50 degrees F. Tomorrow, the weatherman says it’ll be in the 90s. We need to set some resource limits on the weatherd(8) process, but until then I’ll roll with it. The plague is sort of winding down here in Detroit, except where the idiots roam the baking-frozen streets babbling about their […]