My calendar has a recurring notice for the first of the month. “Write Sausage, schedule video hangout.” It pops up alarms and emails me. But I exist in a timeless void. Days of the week? Meaningless. The purpose of a month is to tell me if I should wear my regular Crocs or the fur-lined […]
Author: mwlucas
September’s Scrambled Sausage
Woke up this morning and realized I hadn’t posted this month’s Sausage, or scheduled the video hangout. Oops. This month can best be described as “overload.” I’m writing the very last chapter of OpenBSD Mastery: Filesystems, and as usual it requires me to go back and fill in missing tidbits from earlier. “How the system […]
Video Hangout, 20 August 2022 11AM EDT
We’re a little late this month, sorry. She Who Must Be Obeyed and I are taking shameless advantage of the decent weather before she returns to the grueling College Professor Forced Death March. She teaches psychiatric nursing, and has her hands full trying to teach 19-year-olds that the mentally ill are mostly harmless and more […]
August’s Agonized Sausage
August 2022, two and a half years into Covid, and all is as well as it could be. I mean, society’s decided to ignore Covid, and to pretend that monkeypox is an STI rather than a wildly infectious bacteria that can be transmitted by touching a shopping cart, but other than that everything is dandy. […]
A note on the orc Kickstarter
Hi folks, There’s been some confusion about the Prohibition Orcs Kickstarter, so I’m making a standalone post. There’s no need to back the Kickstarter to get the rewards you’re already entitled to. If you back me at Digital Reader or above, you’ll get a copy of the Prohibition Orcs collection and novel. If you back […]
Video Hangout, 16 July 2022 7PM EDT
Time for an evening meeting! I don’t get many folks joining the evening sessions. Pondering if I should just have them in the mornings, but I don’t want to cut out folks who might join evenings in future months. Being fair isn’t hard, but it is super annoying. See you there! Or not. < shrug […]
July’s Jaundiced Sausage
Half the year gone, and a quarter million words written? Some of them useless, yeah. But still, a quarter million words! Now to see if I can keep it up in the constant hail of immoral Supreme Court decisions. Speaking of disasters, you might want to know about my latest FreeBSD Journal column. The theme […]
Video Hangout, 10am 18 June 2022
I wouldn’t go so far as to say that we’re boring, but we’re not exactly exciting either. Maybe we talk Terry Pratchett, or heavy metal, or pets, or the boundless stupidities of software. But the good news is, we’re always there for each other despite being locked inside by this pandemic. We’re doing the morning […]
June’s Jaunty Sausage
June 2022. Halfway through the year, sort of. Shouldn’t I have gotten more done? Maybe not thirty books yet, but a couple dozen at least? Alas, no. Why? Because teeth suck, but not having teeth also involves sucking. I’ll spare the details, especially as they involve phrases like “fracture” and “implanting someone else’s bone in […]
May 2022 Video Hangout
It’s spring. We can leave the house without freezing. Why are we still meeting? Oh. Pandemic. Right. Saturday 14 May 2022, 7PM, to support the West Coast folks. I need a little more text to keep the invite below the preview, so here’s a snippet of the in-progress OpenBSD storage book. It’s fairly generic material […]