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New story for Patronizers: “Yellow-Eyed War”

What if some daft bugger got an invitation to submit to an exclusive Valentine’s Day anthology, and wrote the story, but wrote it with orcs? It would get rejected, that’s what. But the editor would remember it. And the other folks who read it would remember. And eventually, a sufficient number of them would say […]

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Video Hangout, 10 June 2023 10AM EDT

It’s summer for most of us, so I hope you’re all out doing exciting things in fresh air rather than lurking in your homes waiting for an opportunity to hang with me. This hangout is closer to the May one than I’d like, but evening and morning tends to draw a different crowd. Except for […]

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June’s Jerryrigged Sausage

Hi folks!   BSDCan dominated this month. It was good. It wasn’t the biggest con we’ve had, but for the first year back it was nice. A handful of folks said they wouldn’t attend because the pandemic is still raging, and that while we would be masked the rest of the world isn’t. I can’t […]

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Video Hangout, 27 May 2023 7PM EDT

I try to give more than a week’s notice for video hangouts, so I can’t do it this next Saturday. BSDCan falls in the middle of the month, taking up the next two Saturdays. That means the next time I can do a video hangout is at the end of May. I also try to […]

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May’s Moderate Sausage

Greetings and felicitations to my esteemed Patronizers. Been working solely on “Run Your Own Mail Server.” I think I finally have an order for the content, which makes the actual writing possible. I’ll have cycle back and backfill facts, but the skeleton should hold. This part of the process always surprises me. Who thought I […]

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Quarterly and Annual Patronizing

As frequently requested, I’ve enabled options for Patronizers to pay quarterly and yearly. If you want to switch away from monthly, you’ll need to unsubscribe and resubscribe.

Do I care what option you pick? Not really. The “See the Sausage Being Made” and “Digital Reader” tiers were already quarterly to reduce fees to acceptable levels. If you want to pay quarterly or yearly and save me a few cents I’m down with that, but I’m not going to sweat them.

Everything should auto-renew so long as you pay with a credit card. Please let me know if you have problems. I have double-checked everything, but that only means I’ve looked at my errors twice.

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New story for Patronizers: “The Rats’ Man’s Lackey and the Delphi Taco”

Me in 2015: “You write apocalyptic SF, high adventure SF, modern crime thrillers, and cozy mystery, plus the odd bit of fantasy. You write too many fiction genres. Don’t start writing urban fantasy.” Me in 2016: “Don’t write urban fantasy.” Me in 2017: “Don’t write urban fantasy.” Me in 2018: “Don’t write urban fantasy.” Me […]

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Video Hangout: 15 April 10AM EDT

I have not one but two video hangouts this month: one with you folks, and one as the Devotion & Corrosion release party. Fortunately y’all are pretty easy to get along with. Unfortunately, Penguicon happens smack dab between the two. I shall have to conserve my people juice or I’ll run out and go feral. […]

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April’s Ablated Sausage

Our hopme has radiator heat. The air does not move unless I move it. Fortunately there’s enough seepage around the windows to prevent anoxia, but after all these months the house has picked up a certain aroma that can only be described as “The Lucases have been inside for too long.” The office window is […]

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